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BOGE PressureSafe . . 

Constant pressure level with BOGE PressureSafe


Pressure maintaining system for consistently high compressed air quality


Use BOGE PressureSafe to maintain the pressure in your compressor and air treatment system at a constant level. The pressure maintaining system keeps pressure at a consistent level and ensures a high compressed air quality.


As you know, if the pressure in the system drops, the quality of the compressed air deteriorates. To avoid exposing adsorption dryers and also refrigerant air dryers to any increased volume flows which may result, BOGE can now supply the reliable BOGE PressureSafe pressure maintaining system.  As soon as the pressure falls below the level which you set, the pressure maintaining system shuts down. This has the effect of keeping the pressure level constant in the compressor and compressed air treatment system. BOGE PressureSafe protects your pressure network from an increase in the pressure dew point and oil carryover as well as a higher particle concentration.


BOGE PressureSafe reduces the leakage rate 
In periods without a specific demand, such as at the weekend,
BOGE PressureSafe shuts down. If leakages occur in the system during these periods, then the pipelines are discharged, but not the compressed air system accumulator. This means that you can demonstrably achieve considerable savings in your operating costs over the course of a year. There is no more efficient way of producing air to work with!


Easy installation: BOGE PressureSafe can be easily installed in the compressed air line downstream of the compressor and the treatment components, but upstream of the distribution system.


Safe operation: Use BOGE PressureSafe as a reliable pressure saver on precisely those components which depend on a certain operating volume flow - and operate your compressed air station more safely.


Consistently high quality: BOGE PressureSafe keeps the pressure constant during compressed air treatment.  This guarantees consistently high compressed air quality and ensures that all compressed air components including the compressed air dryers work at maximum efficiency.


Practical position sensor: We can optionally supply BOGE PressureSafe with additional position sensors. The position of the pressure maintaining system can be displayed, for instance, in a deflector device. As soon as BOGE PressureSafe shuts down because the pressure is too low, a message is generated - the cause of the drop in pressure can be remedied without delay.



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Bell Block

New Plymouth 4312




027 531 1117




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